Annoying tweets about GE13 that're hard to ignore

I've no idea who this person is and I'm not gonna reveal her name or face. I just wish to respond to all those who think similarly.

The fact is over 50% of those who voted in the 13th General Election chose PR instead of BN and yet BN retained power. So in that sense, the voice of majority was actually not heard. On top of that, the mainstream media has always been manipulated by the government. You call this true democracy? Think again.

And the reason why they got the current wave is because the police attacked us in Bersih rallies (including an innocent hospital), BN made our rights to demonstrate illegal, PM Najib went off to oversea during the rally and their mainstream media covered little truth, with some fabricated. I know 'cause I was there. The taste of tear gas is hard to forget. How the heck you know if PR are capable of governing or not when they've never been given a chance to prove you wrong yet?

Yes, BN did sort of build it maybe, but ever since PM Najib took over (without having us electing him previously), the federal government debt has increased to almost RM500 billion. PR are indeed a huge question mark, but I thought anyone with rational thinking would've preferred a question mark over a leader who's already failed.

Wow, you expect an immediate positive or negative impact right after the elections? Sudah ubah you pun tak rasa lah. Tax increased, tau? Tolls increased, tau? Petrol increased, tau? Federal government debt increased, tau? For your sake, I hope the crime rate don't increase as well.

Tell that to your beloved PM, mainstream media and BN's racist cybertroopers.

Only to you maybe. But to many others who traveled outstation to vote, this was a considerate decision.

What's an honest politician doing in a dishonest party? Why does a honest politician choose to work with a party that has a president who cheated on his wife? Let's say if he won and the government wants to plant Lynas or use cyanide for something in Kampar (just saying), do you think he could stop that even if he wanted to? What justifies you to think that the other candidate wouldn't do a better job? Were you ever a Kampar citizen?

With BN members behaving inappropriately themselves, what makes you think the successors they breed would be any better? What's wrong with older leaders if they have experience, still can do their job well and don't cheat on their wives?

And why would it be a problem? Because you choose to believe everything the BN-UMNO-controlled media said?

And what are BN good at? Fear-mongering ads? At least Tony Pua dares to be in debates, the PM you elected doesn't.

If you educated yourself about the gerrymandering, the 700+ constitution amendments, the mal-apportionment and the geographical disproportionality in Malaysia, you'd probably have a different opinion (there's a summary here). Also, he spent millions on advertising and had all mainstream media to publish whatever he wants. If all that was taken away, then maybe you could say he went through a tough challenge, which he wouldn't had won.

