Anwar's assembly @ Stadium Kelana Jaya

The crowd at Anwar Ibrahim himpunan assembly rally at Stadium Kelana Jaya 8 May 2013

Hmmm... let's guess what Utusan might publish...

"Hanya 2,000 saja yang hadir."

"Tsunami kongsi gelap cina berhimpun dengan Anwar."

"Pembangkang cuba menipu dengan Photoshop."

As you can see in the photos, there were easily, EASILY, above 100,000 attendees. A "Malaysian tsunami", if you will. It was an extraordinary sight and feeling. The stadium was so jam packed that there were even people stuck outside of the entrances hoping to squeeze in. And throughout the whole time, it was completely peaceful, no problems at all (besides the rain and the inevitable traffic jam). Even all the visible rubbish at the stadium was cleared. Why was it this peaceful compared to the other assemblies or rallies? I strongly believe it's 'cause the police weren't there and the parliament's not in power yet.

Just in case anyone wonder if the photos were photoshopped, I've video recorded my surroundings as well:

All the big names took turns to speak to the highly spirited crowd, chanting "change!", "SPR Election Committee have lied and should resign!", "we're children of Malaysia!", "UMNO-BN are not a legitimate government!" and "Najib's not our rightful Prime Minister, Anwar is!" in Malay.

Nothing much, however, has been shared on what they'll be doing to turn the current result around (Bersih 2.0, ABU & other NGO have already discussed about it in the public forum held on the day before; read about it here) but Dato Seri Anwar Ibrahim did make few good points during his speech: Even with the Bangladeshis and other foreigners' votes, BN-UMNO still didn't manage to garner majority of the total national votes in the 13th General Election (GE13). He said that they shouldn't ask what the Chinese want (#ApaCinaMahu) but instead, ask what the Malaysians want. He also requests for all to wear black this Saturday for the entire day to show support for this protest.

The people at Anwar Ibrahim himpunan assembly rally at Stadium Kelana Jaya 8 May 2013

